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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 455   View pdf image
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No. 37.

Passed Feb. 28,

Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western
Shore to pay to Mary Watkins, widow of Leonard
Watkins, a sergeant in the revolutionary war, the
half pay of a sergeant, commencing the first Janu-
ary, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by directed to pay to Mary Watkins, of Montgomery
county, widow of Leonard Watkins, a sergeant of the
revolutionary war, or to her order, the half pay of a
sergeant of the revolution during her life, in quarterly
payments, commencing the first day of January, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-nine.

No. 38.

Passed Mar. 21,

Resolution in favor of the surviving child of Colonel
John Stone.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That

the Treasurer of the by Western Shore be, and he is here-

by authorised to pay to Dr. N. P. Causin, for the use
of the surviving child of Colonel John Stone, out of
any unappropriated funds in the treasury, a sum of
money amounting to the half pay of a colonel in the
Maryland line between the periods of seventeen hun-

dred and seventy-nine and seventeen hundred and

eighty-two, for two years and eleven months; provided,
that before he pays out the sum, he shall he satisfied
by competent evidence that the sum herein authorised
to be paid, which is ordered under the act of seventeen
hundred and seventy-eight, chapter fourteen, and the
resolutions of seventeen hundred and seventy-nine and
seventeen hundred and eighty, of this State, to be paid
to the said heirs for the period of time intervening be-
tween the resignation of said Colonel Stone, in August,
seventeen hundred and seventy-nine and the date of the
first payment to him in seventeen hundred and eighty-
two, has not been paid to Colonel Stone, or his heirs,
by the general government.

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 455   View pdf image
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