to the private soldiers, one dollar per day; for each
and every day which said individuals may have been
engaged as aforesaid, according to the list of names
make out and file with him, for his direction.
No. 35.
Resolution authorizing the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to pay to Esther Turner Burroughs, of St.
Mary's county, widow of Norman Burroughs, a pri-
vate of the Revolutionary war, the half pay of a
private, commencing first January, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Esther Turner Burroughs,
of St. Mary's county, widow of Norman Burroughs,
who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, or to her
order, the half pay of a private of the Revolution, in
quarterly payments, commencing the first day of Jan-
uary eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, during her life.
No. 36.
Passed Mar. 19,
Resolution in favor of Sarah Callahan.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and is here-
by directed, to pay to Sarah Callahan, of the city of
Annapolis, widow of John Callahan, a first lieutenant
in the war of the Revolution, or to her order, the half
pay of a first lieutenant of the Revolution, during her
life, in quarterly payments, commencing the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Passed Mar. 18,