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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 453   View pdf image
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of the several districts, may be paid by the said court
by means of checks to be drawn by the said court
therefor, on the bank in the City of Baltimore, in
which the school funds of Harford county may have
been placed for safe keeping.

No. 39.

Fund Mar. 14,

Resolution in favor of M. C. Sprigg.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer for the Western Shore, pay to Michael
C. Sprigg, out of any unappropriated money in the
Treasury, the sum of sixteen hundred and forty eight
dollars and fifty five cents, being the amount of caution
or composition money, paid into the Treasury by said
Sprigg, upon two certificates of resurvey, returned by
him into the Western Shore Land Office, for "Asco-
lon" and "Gebeon, " for which lands, the Chancellor,
as judge of the land office, has decreed that the said
Sprigg is not entitled to patent.

No. 34.

Passed Mar. 16

Resolution in favor of Col. John Budd.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore of this State, pay
to Col. John Budd, of the forty second regiment of
Maryland Militia, or to his order, on the presentation
of the orders of the several individuals who have claims
against the State, for ammunition and supplies fur-
nished said regiment, while engaged in suppressing
riots on the Susquehanna and the Tide Water Canal,
during the past year, such sums of money as may be
respectively due them, according to the amounts al-
lowed said individuals, in the several accounts which
the committee of claims may file with him for settle-
Resolved further, That the treasurer pay to said
Colonel John Budd, or order, the sum of three dollars
per day; to all other officers, two dollars per day; and

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 453   View pdf image
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