widow of Stephen Hofley, a revolutionary soldier, or
to her order, the half pay of a soldier of the revolution,
during her life, commencing the first day of January
eighteen hundred and thirty nine.
No. 16.
Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to invest the amount of money in the Trea-
sury, for the use of Calvert County, in stocks of
some kind.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Wester Shore, be. and lie is here-
by required and directed to invest the amount of money
now in the treasury, for the use of Calvert county, in
State six per cent stock, or in the stocks of the Far-
mer's Bank of Maryland.
No. 17.
Passed Feb. 20,
Resolution relative to repairing the National Road, in
WHEREAS, Thomas Schriver, late superintendant
of the National Road, in Maryland, in compliance
with the twelfth section of an act, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter eigh-
ty-five, did on the eighteenth day of December last,
pay into the treasury the sum of one thousand thirty
five dollars and one cent, which sum was collected as
tolls at toll gate No. 1. on said National road; and
whereas, the act of Congress surrendering said road
to the State of Maryland, within the limits thereof,
provides that no more toll shall be collected on said
road, than is required to keep the same in repair; and
whereas, the condition of said road at present requires
the immediate expenditure of said money therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to pay to the order of
Passed Feb. 20,