No. 13.
Passed Feb. 9,
Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to pay to John B. Boyle, as per order of
Mary Magdaline Hofley, widow of Stephen Hofley,
a revolutionary pensioner, thirty one dollars and
twenty two cents, for nine months and eleven days,
pension due at the time of the death of the said
Stephen Hofley.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to John B.
Boyle, as per order of Mary Magdaline Hofley, wi-
dow of Stephen Hofley, a revolutionary pensioner,
thirty one dollars and twenty two cents, for nine
months and eleven days pension, due said Stephen
Hofley at the time of his death.
No. 14.
Passed Feb. 15
Resolution directing the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to pay to Martha Kelly, widow of William
Kelly, a soldier of the revolution, the half pay of a
captain, during her life, commencing the first of Jan-
uary eighteen hundred and thirty nine.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Martha Kelly, of Carroll
county, widow of Captain William Kelly, a revolu-
tionary soldier, or to her order, the half pay of a cap-
tain of the Revolution, during her life, commencing
the first day of January eighteen hundred and thirty-
No. 15.
Passed Feb. 15,
Resolution in favor of Mary Magdaline Hofley.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Mary Magdaline Hofley,