Thomas Thistle, the present superintendent of the
National road, in Maryland, the sum of one thousand
and thirty-five dollars and one cent, being the amount
of tolls collected by the late superintendent, and paid
into the treasury since his removal from office, to be
by the said Thistle expended in such manner as is di-
rected in the act of Assembly, of eighteen hundred and
thirty-one, chapter eighty-five.
Resolved further, that the superintendent hereafter
going out of office, be, and he hereby is authorised to
pay over to his successor, all the money he may have
in hand, belonging to, or collected on account of tolls
on said road, the receipt for which shall be a sufficient
No. 18.
Passed Feb. 20,
Resolution authorising a sum of money not exceeding
eight hundred and fifty dollars, to be appropriated
for the purpose of repairing and furnishing the Ex-
ecutive Chamber.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a sum of money not exceeding eight hundred and fifty
dollars, be, and is hereby appropriated for the purpose
of repairing, and furnishing the Executive Chamber,
under the direction of the Secretary of State, and that
he is hereby authorised to draw on the treasurer there-
No. 19.
Passed Feb. 15,
Resolution authorising the clerk of Prince George's
county, to transcribe certain records.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the clerk of Prince George's county court, be, and
he is hereby authorised and directed to re-bind, repair
or transcribe, or cause the same to be done, such and
so many of the land record books of Prince George's
county, as the judges of the county court, shall direct
to be re-bound, repaired or transcribed, and that he re-
ceive as a compensation therefor, not more than ten
cents for every hundred words transcribed as afore-