Parker Eshum, released and discharged from the pay-
ment thereof.
Resolved, that the sheriff of Worcester county, be,
and he is hereby authorized and required to discharge
the said Parker Eshum from imprisonment; provided,
he be not in custody for any other offence, nor com-
mitted on other process.
No. 9.
Passed Jan. 24,
Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to pay to Levin Ballard, or order, nine dol-
lars and sixty-six cents, due to Thomas Muir, of
Somerset county., at the time of his death.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Levin Ballard, of Jarvis, or
order, nine dollars and sixty-six cents, being for two
months and twenty seven days pension, due to the late
Thomas Muir, of Somerset county, at the time of his
death, and that the said Levin Ballard distribute the
same to the nearest of kin of the said Thomas Muir.
No. 10.
Passed Jan. 28,
Resolutions relating to the improvement of the Har-
bour of Havre de Grace.
WHEREAS, by a survey made of the Harbour of
Havre de Grace, in Harford county, Maryland, by G.
W. Hughes, United States Engineer, in pursuance of
an order of Congress, reported to Congress on the se-
cond day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-
seven, an appropriation is recommended for deepening
the said harbour, and the removal of one or more sand
bars, that are obstructions thereto; and whereas, the
early completion of the Susquehanna and Tide Water
canal, will much increase the trade and commerce of
the said port of Havre de Grace: — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland; That
our Senators and Representatives in Congress, be re-