No. 6.
Resolution directing the Treasurer of the Western
Shore to pay to Joseph F. Shaw, for the use of
Teresa Hays, the balance due to John H. Hays, a
soldier of the revolution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be authorised to
pay to Joseph F. Shaw, for the use of Teresa Hays,
widow of John H. Hays, a soldier of the revolution,
the balance of his pension due at the time of his death,
September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-
No. 7.
Passed Jan. 18,
Resolution directing the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, to pay to Amelia Lord, widow of Henry
Lord, the sum of twelve dollars and forty-four cents,
for three months and twenty-two days services of
said Henry Lord in the Revolutionary war, which,
was due at the time of his death.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to Amelia
Lord, of Dorchester county, widow of Henry Lord, a
Revolutionary pensioner, or to her order, twelve dol-
lars and forty-four cents, for three months and twenty-
two days pension, due said Henry Lord at the time of
his death.
No. 8.
Passed Jan. 23,
Resolution authorizing the sheriff of Worcester county,
to release Parker Eshum from confinement in Jail,
in said county.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the fine imposed by Worcester county court, at the
November term, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
to Parker Eshum, charged with vending of ardent
spirits on the Sabbath day, be remitted, and the said
Passed Jan. 24,