No. 3.
Passed Jan. 8,
Resolution directing the Treasurer of the Western
Shore to pay to the members of the present General
Assembly and its officers, the several and respective
sums that may be due them, and that may become
due from time to time.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by authorised to pay to the several members of the
present General Assembly, and the officers thereof, or
to their respective orders, the several sums of money
now due, or that may from time to time become due to
them respectively, and for which they shall obtain cer-
tificates from the chairman of the committee on claims
of the present House of Delegates.
No. 4.
Passed Jan 9,
Resolution directing the Librarian to furnish the
Clerk and Register of Wills for Prince George's
County, a copy of the acts of Assembly for eighteen
hundred and twenty.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian be directed to furnish the clerk and re-
gister of wills, of Prince George's county, each, a
copy of the acts of Assembly for eighteen hundred and
No. 5.
Passed Jan. 9,
Resolution directing the Librarian to furnish the Clerk
of Worcester County Court, a copy of the acts of
Assembly for eighteen hundred and twenty.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian be directed to furnish the clerk of Wor-
cester county court, a copy of the acts of Assembly
for eighteen hundred and twenty.