assign his duties, and to allow him a salary not exceed-
ing twenty dollars, and it shall be the duty of the said
clerk to record in a book to be kept by him for that
purpose ail ordinances passed by the said commission-
ers, the said book to be open at all times for the in-
spection of the citizens of said town, and copies of
all ordinances shall be set up by the Burgess, in the
most public places of said town, and no charge shall be
made by the clerk for extracts of said ordinances
given by him to the citizens of said town, when requir-
CHAP. 418.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the Burgess, shall
have all the power and authority of a justice of the
peace, within the limits of said town, except in cases
of small debts, and shall be entitled to receive fees
accordingly, and all fines, forfeitures, or penalties un-
der the ordinances of said corporation, shall be recov-
ered before the said Burgess, or a justice of the peace
residing within the limits of said town, in the same
manner in which small debts are recovered by law.
Authority of Bur-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall meet for the transaction of business, at
least once every month, and of every such meeting at
Commisioners to
meet once a month.
least ten days' public notice, shall be given by the
Burgess, and three commissioners shall form a quorum
for the transaction of business, and if during the year
for which they are elected, any of the five commis-
sioners shall die, resign, remove from said town, or in
any manner become incapable of acting as such, or
neglect without sufficient excuse, attending the meeting
of the commissioners, the commissioners shall fill the
Notice thereof.
vacancy or vacancies so produced, by choosing and
electing some person or persons, qualified as is herein-
before directed, and such person, or persons, thus cho-
sen, shall act as commissioner, or commissioners, un-
til the next general election.
Case of vacancy.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the lines, or limits
of the said town of Westminster, incorporated by this
act, shall be as follows, viz: beginning on the east at
a stone planted near the Turnpike road, formerly a
boundary stone of Baltimore and Frederick counties,
and running northerly at right angles with the main
street, or road, four hundred yards north of the street,
Lines and limits of
the town.