CHAP. 418.
or road, thence westerly, parallel with said road
within four hundred yards of the branch of the road,
leading to Little's town, thence parallel with said road
to the end of Pigman's addition, thence with the lines
of Pigman's addition, four hundred yards south to the
Union Town Road, thence easterly, parallel with said
road, or street, to the line formerly dividing Balti-
more and Frederick counties, thence with said line to
the place of beginning; provided, that the said com-
missioners shall not have power to pave any of the
streets of said town, except the Main street, Court
street and Church street.
Authority to levy
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said Burgess
and Commissioners shall have power to levy upon the
assessable property of said Town of Westminster,
such tax, from time to time, as they may deem proper;
provided, that the amount of the tax shall not in any
one year, exceed ten cents in every hundred dollars, of
the valuation of said property.
Valuation of pro-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said Burgess
and Commissioners shall have power, at such times as
they may think proper, to have a valuation made of
the assessable property, within the limits of said town,
in such manner, as they may deem just and right.
Limit of fines.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That no ordinance of the
said corporation shall impose a fine exceeding twenty
Oath of office.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the said Burgess
and Commissioners, shall, before they proceed to the
discharge of their several duties, take an oath, before
a justice of the peace, of Carroll county, to act with-
out favor, partiality or prejudice, in all things apper-
taining to their respective trusts.
Laws heretofore
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That all laws heretofore
passed in relation to the incorporation of the Town of
Westminster, be and they are hereby repealed.
Taxable limits.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the said Burgess
and Commissioners shall have power and authority to
extend the taxable limits of said town, and to fix the
same in such manner as they may deem proper.