CHAP. 418.
to impose fines, penalties and forfeitures for the breach
of such ordinances as they are authorised by this act
to pass; to lay and collect such taxes as they may
think proper, upon all dogs and bitches, owned and
at such places as they may think proper, and to appor-
tion the cost amongst the owners of property adjacent;
Ordinances to be
signed by Burgess.
Or returned with
his objections.
all ordinances thus passed, to be signed by the Bur-
gess, unless he shall, within three days after the pas-
sage thereof, or at the next meeting of the commis-
session at which such ordinance, may be passed, ex-
press in writing to the said commissioners, his objec-
Or be valid.
tions to such ordinance; and if upon considering the
objections of the Burgess, four of the commissioners
concur in passing the ordinance, or in case the said
Burgess shall not express his objections, in the man-
ner and within the time aforesaid, then the said ordi-
nance shall be as valid and binding as if signed by the
Notice to grade and
pave streets.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the commissioners to direct the burgess to give notice
to the citizens of Westminster, of their intention to
of the said town as may be by them determined, for
the spare of two months, requiring the owner, or own-
ers of property forthwith to grade and pave such side-
walks, under the direction of the Burgess, in front of
Case of neglect of
their respective lots, and if the owner, or owners of
lots to whom notice shall have been given as aforesaid,
shall neglect, or refuse to grade and pave the said
Burgess shall pro-
ceed to grade and
sidewalks in front of their lots, it shall be the duty of
the Burgess, under the direction of the commissioners
to grade and pave such side walks, and charge the
Cost shall be lien.
cost thereof to the owner, or owners of the property
in front of which he shall pave as aforesaid, and the
cost of grading and paving, shall be a lien on said
And recoverable.
property, and may be recovered by action of debt in
Carroll County Court, or before a single justice of
the peace, or before the district court, as the amount
of such cost may require.
Clerk—his salary
duties, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall have power and
authority to appoint a clerk from time to time, and to