twenty-one years, and having resided six months in the
said town next preceding the election, and who are citi-
zens of the United States, be authorized to elect on
the first Monday of May, in the year eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, and on the same day, annually, there
CHAP. 418.
after, forever, a Burgess, who, shall have been an in-
habitant of said town, for two years, previous to the
A. Burgess.
day of his election, and five commissioners who shall
be above the age of twenty-one years, and shall have
resided in the said town, one year previous to the day
of their election; the election to be held in some cen-
tral part of the town, and the polls to be kept open
from nine o'clock in the morning, to two o'clock in the
Five commissioners.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That Andrew Pouder,
Jacob Yingling and Michael Barnitz, or any two of
them, he, and they are hereby appointed judges, for
the first election of Burgess and Commissioners, and
the said judges shall conduct the same in the man-
ner in which the judges of an election district are now
by law directed to hold an election for Delegates to
the General Assembly, as far as may be consistent
Judges hold first
with the other provisions of this act, and the said
judges shall make return under their hands and seals,
of the persons who shall have received the highest
number of votes for Burgess and Commissioners elect-
ed, after they shall have taken the oath prescribed by
Make return.
this act, to be by them safely kept and recorded; all fu-
ture elections to be held by two or more judges as shall,
from time to time be directed by ordinance of the cor-
poration, the same not being inconsistent with this act.
Future elections.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers shall have full power and authority to enact and
pass all such ordinances as may be necessary to pre-
serve the health of the town, and to prevent and re-
move nuisances; to grade and pave in such manner
and with such materials as they may direct, the side-
walks of said town of Westminster, not exceeding on
either side of the streets thereof, one-fifth of the whole
width; to open new streets, lanes and alleys, upon the
application or with the consent of two-thirds of the
owners of the property through whose land the said
streets, lanes or alleys, may pass; to open, and keep
open, all streets, lanes, and alleys, originally laid out;
General powers of
the commissioners.