CHAP. 418.
sureties, to make and complete the same, upon the pay-
ment by said company of an amount not exceeding
fifteen thousand dollars.
Passed April 6,
An act for the relief of the Heirs at law of Peter Creek,
late of Washington County.
WHEREAS, Peter Creek, late of Washington coun-
ty, an alien, died intestate, seized of a tract of land,
in said county, without having been naturalized as re-
quired by law; — Therefore,
May hold real es-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the heirs at law of said Peter Creek, are hereby
authorized and empowered to hold the real estate
whereof he died seized, in the same manner, as if the
said Peter Creek had been fully naturalized before he
acquired title to the said real estate.
Passed April 6,
An act to incorporate the Town of Westminster, in Car-
roll Comity.
Town named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the adjoining Towns, now called and
known by the names of Westminster, New London.
Winter's addition, and New Elenburgh, together with
Pigman's addition, and all that space lying between
Winter's addition and Pigman's addition, shall forev-
er, hereafter, be called and known by the name of
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Westminster, afore-
said, shall be and is hereby constituted a corporate
town, and the inhabitants thereof, a body politic and
corporate, by the name of the Burgess and Commis-
sioners of Westminster, and as such shall have per-
petual succession; and by their corporate name, may
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded.
Election 1st Mon-
day in May.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the free white male
citizens of Westminster, aforesaid, above the age of