CHAP. 414.
Passed April 6,
An act for the benefit of Thomas D. Cockey, of Baltimore
On payment of
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Thomas D. Cockey, be, and he is hereby author-
ised to use any rail road now made, or which may here-
after be made through his land under the provisions of
the act passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-six, chapter two hundred and fifty-five, on
condition of his praying an equal proportion of the ex-
May use rail road.
pense of keeping said road in repair; provided, the said
Cockey shall not obstruct the use of said road or roads
aforesaid, by the party obtaining the same.
Passed April 6,
An act to extend the time of John D. Ward, late Sheriff
of Calvert County, for collecting officers' fees.
Time extended.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John D. Ward, late Sheriff of Calvert county,
be and he is hereby authorised 1o collect, until the first
day of January eighteen hundred and forty, all fees, or
public dues, fines, forfeitures, and a merciaments,
which were placed in his hands for collection, and all
legal fees due him as sheriff aforesaid; provided, that
he comply in all respects with the provisions of the act
of December session eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
chapter two hundred and fifty.
Passed April 6,
An act to vest certain powers in the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore.
Authority to regu-
late fees of clerk,
crier, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be,
and they are hereby authorised to regulate by ordinance,
the compensation of the clerk, cryer and bailiffs of
Baltimore city court, and to provide for the applica-