CHAP. 410.
all sums which may have been paid to the said trustees
by the Orphan's Court of said county, under and by
virtue of the second section of an act of Assembly,
passed at December session in the year, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred and eigh-
Payment to Den-
ton Academy
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Orphan's
Court, be, and they are hereby authorised and direct-
ed to pay over on the first day of May next, to the
trustees of the Denton Academy, and their successors
in office, all sums of money which may be remaining
in the hands of the said Orphan's Court, for, and on
account of the donation to the Colleges and Academies
of this State, paid to the said Orphan's Court, by the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, and the said Or-
phan's Court, are hereby authorized and directed to
pay the said trustees and their successors, on the first
day of January, in each and every year thereafter,
the full amount of the said donation to the Colleges
and Academies of this State, as the same may be re-
ceived from the said Treasurer of the Western Shore,
To be applied by
But no portion of
the surplus fund.
to be applied by the said trustees in the erection ami
support of an Academy, in the town of Denton; pro-
vided, that the said Academy, from and after the first
day of January next, shall not be entitled to receive
from the said court any portion of the interest arising
on the surplus revenue, but the portion of said fund
belonging to the middle district of said county, shall
Distribution direct-
be distributed amongst the other schools in said dis-
trict, authorized by law to receive the same, in exclu-
sion of said Academy.
Acts relating to
recording certain
papers repealed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the six-
teenth section of an act, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-four, chapter two hun-
dred and twelve, as requires the Register of Wills of
said county, to record the reports and returns of the
commissioners of the Free and Charity school fund of
said county, to the Orphan's Court, and all the reports
and certificates of the trustees of the located schools in
said county, and so much of the seventeenth section
of the aforesaid act, as requires that the justices of
the Orphan's Court, shall annex all the reports of the
district commissioners and trustees of the located
schools to their returns to the General Assembly, be,