CHAP. 406.
minster; thence south, fifty one degrees, west thirty
nine and one half perches, to a cherry tree in Lud-
wick Rudisel's field; thence north, fifty seven degrees,
west, forty four perches to the south east corner of the
Catholic Grave Yard; thence north, forty degrees;
west, fifty two and one fourth perches, to a black oak
tree in Ludwick Rudisel's field; thence north, eight
and one half degrees, west eighteen and one half per-
ches, to the south west corner of the German Reform
Grave Yard; thence north, nineteen and one half de-
grees, east, fifty three and one half perches to the
south west corner of Daniel McKinzer's lot; thence
north, forty eight degrees, east twenty perches, to a
stone; thence east, fifty four perches, to a stone near
the north west corner of the Lutheran Grave Yard;
thence south, thirty eight and one half degrees east,
one hundred and seven perches to the north east cor-
ner of the Lutheran Grave Yard; thence south, thirty
degrees east, one hundred and twenty degrees, five
perches, to a corner stone of Michael Null's land;
thence south, eighty four degrees, west, fifty five per-
ches, to the stone planted at the end of the first line;
thence to the place of beginning.
Commissioners to
assess and award
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the
judges of Baltimore county court to appoint three suit-
able persons to assess and award such damages as they,
in their judgment, may deem reasonable and right, to
the owners of any property which may have been used
by Caleb D. Owings, Beale Owings and Cornelius H.
Owings, in the location and structure of a private rail
In constructing
road front their quarries to the road of the Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road Company; provided the said com-
pany shall give their consent; and provided also, the
said private rail road shall not extend to a greater dis-
tance than two miles from the said quarry.