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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 424   View pdf image
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Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That upon the return of
the said award to Baltimore county court, and the
payment of the damages so assessed, and awarded
to the owners of the property, there shall vest in the
said Caleb D. Owings, Beale Owings and Cornelius
H. Owings, a fee simple title to the said property.

CHAP. 407.

On return of award.
And payment.

Property vested.

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if the party or par-
ties, through whose lands the said road may pass, shall
not he able to agree as to the damages they shall he
entitled to have, the damages done by reason thereof,
assessed by a jury summoned in like manner, and all
proceedings thereon to be had as is provided for hold-
ing inquisitions for condemning lands by the Balti-
more and Ohio Rail Road Company, under the act
passed December session, eighteen hundred and twenty
six, chapter one hundred and twenty-three.


Case of act agree-


Jury directed.

A supplement to the act. entitled, an act for the benefit
of the several Free Schools, in the City and precincts
of Baltimore, passed December session eighteen hun-
dred and fourteen, chapter one hundred and thirty-one.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

Passed April 2,

That all funds arising under the provisions of the act,
to which this is a supplement, from the personal estate
of any person who may die intestate, in Baltimore
county, out of the limits of the City of Baltimore, the
Justices of the Orphan's Court of Baltimore county,
shall order and direct the same to be paid over to the

Funds arising from

intestate estate.

county commissioners to be applied to the education of
the poor children in said county, in the same manner
that the other school funds of said county are applied
by law, any thing in the original act to which this is
a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding.

Payable to school


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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 424   View pdf image
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