quired on or before the first day of June next, to ap-
point three commissioners to contract therefor, on
the terms, in the manner, and upon the conditions to
CHAP. 398.
be prescribed by the said county commissioners, pro-
vided, the whole cost of all of the said several matters
mentioned in the first section, shall not exceed the sum
of one thousand dollars.
Limit of costs
$1, 000.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sioners of Worcester county aforesaid, are hereby au-
thorised and required to levy on the assessable property
of said county, the said sum of one thousand dollars, in
two equal annual instalments, to meet the contract
mentioned in the second section of this act.
Levy authorised.
An act to incorporate the Annapolis Silk Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Samuel Ridout, Dennis Claude, Al-
exander Randall, William S. Green, Nicholas I. Wat-
kins, Franklin Buchanan, Thomas Duckett, Nicholas
H. Green, James Iglehart, Thomas S. Alexander,
Thomas Franklin Edward Dubois, John S. Selby,
John Randall, Basil Shepherd, Davis S. Caldwell,
Julius T. Ducatel, Col. John B. Walback, Phaebe A.
Levely, Jeremiah Hughes, and such other persons as
may be hereafter associated with them, shall be, and
they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic
Passed April 6,
Persons incorporat-
and corporate, under the name and style of the Anna-
polis Silk Company, for the purpose, of cultivating
mulbery trees, manufacturing and vending silk, and
the prosecution of all such other operations as may
grow out of, or be connected with the said business,
and the said corporation under the name and style of
the Annapolis Silk Company, is hereby invested with
all the rights and privileges, and powers conferred upon
such companies by an act entitled, an act prescribing
general regulations for the incorporation of manufac-
turing and mining companies, passed the twenty eighth
of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and the
and regulations prescribed in said act.
Name and style.
Objects defined.