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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 417   View pdf image
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CHAP. 397.

And balance of


Or for that purpose

leave certificate


To be given up on


difference in the exchange of currency between London
and the city of Baltimore; or, shall for the same pur-
pose to secure the payment of the interest as aforesaid,
leave in the hands of the said treasurer, an amount of
said stock or bonds, equivalent to the interest and ex-
penses aforesaid, which bonds or stock, or the propor-
tional and equal part thereof, shall ho immediately
delivered to the said company, on the payment of the
interest, or any part thereof, on the terms and in the
manner required by the provisions of this act; and in

Or sold on failure.

case of failure of the said company to pay the interest
as required by this act, it shall and may be lawful for
the said treasurer to sell such part of the bonds retain-
ed as aforesaid, us may be necessary to supply the de-
ficiency occasioned by the failure to pay the interest

Any excess on sale

of bonds above

par, &c.

as aforesaid; provided also, that the entire excess in the
sale of the said five per cent sterling bonds or certifi-
cates of stock, above the par of the bonds or certificates
of stock so issued, after the payment of the interest
and expenses aforesaid, shall be paid by said company

Payable to Educa-

tion fund.

into the treasury of the State, for the special purpose
of education, to be distributed in such manner as the
Legislature shall hereafter direct.


Passed April 6,

An act to provide for a Public Ferry at Mataponi Land-

Commissioners au-

thorised to con-

struct wharf.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the county commissioners of Worces-
ter county be, and they are hereby authorised and re-
quired to provide for the construction of a wharf on
the north or west side of the Pocomoke river, opposite to
Mataponi Landing, and also, to lay out and open and

And open road


construct a public road from the said wharf to the
county road at or near the residence of John C. Bacon,
esquire, and also to provide a suitable boat with ropes
et cetera, et cetera, to be used as a ferry boat, and to
establish a public ferry at the said Mataponi Landing,

Appoint commis-

sioners to contract.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in order to accomplish,
the several matters mentioned in the aforegoing sec-
tion, the said county commissioners are hereby re-

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 417   View pdf image
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