CHAP. 399.
Capital stock.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall not be less than two thousand dol-
lars, nor more than fifty thousand dollars, to be divi-
ded into shares of one hundred dollars each, to be
raised by subscription, and that the said company
May hold estate.
shall have the right to rent, lease, or purchase and
hold land, not exceeding one thousand acres, in Anne
Arundel county.
In force.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be in
force from the passage thereof.
Passed April 6,
An act for the relief of sundry Poor persons, in the sev-
eral Counties therein mentioned.
Levy authorised.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Levy Courts, or the Commissioners of the
Tax, as the case may be, for Prince George's, Fred-
erick, Harford, Queen Anne's and Montgomery coun-
ties, be, and they are hereby severally authorised, di-
rected and empowered, at their next annual meeting,
so long as they shall see cause, at their discretion, ex-
cept otherwise directed by this act, to assess and levy
on the assessable property of said counties, for the use
of the several persons hereinafter mentioned, any sum
of money, not exceeding the several sums annexed to
P. George's co.
their respective names, viz, in Prince George's county,
for Mary Haywood, thirty dollars, Samuel Rowe,
thirty dollars, William Coby, twenty dollars, Mary
Ann Miller, thirty dollars, Mildred Martin, twenty
dollars, John Gooding, twenty dollars, John Kidwell
and Mary Ellenor, his wife, twenty dollars each,
Charles Clarkson, twenty dollars, Joseph Willet,
Queen Anne's.
twenty dollars; in Queen Anne's county, for William
Camper, fifty dollars', Mary Tolson, twenty dollars;
in Frederick county, so long as the commissioners
shall see fit so to do, to David Harris, twenty five dol-
lars; in Harford county, for Sarah Dorough, thirty
dollars, John H. Mitchell, thirty dollars, Jane Mc-
Nabb, thirty dollars, and the following if the commis-
sioners shall seem fit so to do, for Lysias Hitchcock,
use of Leah Hitchcock, thirty dollars, Mary Smith,