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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 408   View pdf image
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CHAP. 395.

An additional supplement to the act to provide for the
completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to Cum-
berland, and to provide for the completion of the Bal-
timore and Susqehanna Rail Road to the Borough of
York, in the State of Pennsylvania.

Passed April 5,


SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so soon as the Baltimore and Susque-
hanna Rail Road Company, in general meeting of the
stockholders to be convened for the purpose, shall have
approved, assented and agreed to the provisions of this

act, and shall have communicated to the Treasurer of

the Western Shore, their acceptance of Us terms under
the corporate seal of said company and the signatures

On the S. R. R.

accepting the act.

of its president and directors, and shall also have pre-

pared and deposited with the said treasurer, an obli-

gation verified in like manner, pledging the whole of
the property and revenue of said company for the pur-
pose of securing to the State, in the manner hereinafter

And depositing


provided, the payment of the interest and of the prin-
ciple of the loan which is hereby provided to be made
to the said company, and so soon as the city of Balti-
more, by an ordinance of its Mayor and City Council,
shall have approved, assented and agreed to the pro-

visions of this act, and a copy of said ordinance, under

the seal of said city and the hand of its mayor, shall
be by the said mayor deposited with the Treasurer for
the Western Shore, it shall be the duty of the commis-

sioner of loans of this State, to issue certificates of

stock or bonds of the State of Maryland, to the amount
of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the

hundred and ninety, bearing an interest of five per
centum per annum, payable quarterly, on the first day
of January, April, July and October in each year; and

For the payment of

principal and in-


And the city of Bal-

timore shall have

And deposit certi-.

ficate thereof.

Commissioners of

Loans shall issue

$750, 000 in bonds.

he shall proceed to sell the said certificates or bonds on
the best terms which he can obtain therefor, and the
proceeds of such sales he shall immediately pay over

to the Treasurer of the Western Shore.

Sell the same.

And pay over pro-

ceeds to Treasur-


Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That out of the proceeds
or sales of the said certificates or bonds, the said trea-

surer shall pay to the president and directors of the

Who from the pro-


Shall pay to said


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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 408   View pdf image
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