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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 409   View pdf image
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CHAP. 395.

said company, such sum or sums of money, not exceed-
ing in the whole the sum of seven hundred and fifty
thousand dollars, as may be necessary for the construc-

For purposes spe-


tion and completion of the road of the said company,

and of the York and Maryland Line Rail Road, with

all damages that may have arisen from the alteration
of the line of the road from Timonium to Baltimore;
for enabling the said president and directors to aid and
assist in the completion of the rail road from York to
Wrightsville, by a subscription to the stock of or by
a loan to the company owning said road, and also for

Susquehanna Rail Road Company; and the said sum

before specified, and to no other purpose or purposes

Punctual applica-

tion provided for.

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in order to secure,
as effectually as may be, the proper application of the
money which may he drawn out of the Treasury, by
the aforesaid president and directors, in virtue of this

allowance, authority or acquiescence of the president
and directors of the said company, or any of them, ap-

plied to any use or purpose, not within the fair intent

and meaning of the second section of this act, the per-

son or persons so allowing, authorising or acquiescing

in the misapplication of said money, shall be liable in

an action, for money had and received, to be brought
in the name of the State, against them jointly, or sev-

erally, in their natural capacities, at any time, to pay

and refund to the State, the sum or sums of money so
improperly applied or expended.

Acceptance shall

imply obligation

to pay principal


Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the acceptance of
this act by the said company, and the obligation requi-
red to be given by said company, shall be construed
and understood, as obliging the said company to repay
to the said treasurer the principal sum or sums of

under the provisions of this act, at least one month be-
fore the day on which the certificates or bonds hereby

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 409   View pdf image
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