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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 407   View pdf image
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CHAP. 394.

tees, or a majority of them, if they shall be satisfied

that said account is just and true, are hereby authoris-
ed and directed to certify their approbation of said ac-
count, and on said account being so certified and pre-

sented to the commissioners for Somerset county, it

Draft for payment.

shall be the duty of said commissioners to draw an
order on the Bank of Salisbury in favor of such teach-
er for the amount of his account, or such part thereof
as said commissioners shall ascertain that he is fairly
and justly entitled to.

Trustees shall re-

turn list of schol-

ars to commission-


Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be

lawful for the trustees of each election district, or a

majority of them, to designate the number of school

which it is proper for them to patronize, and they, or
a majority of them, shall return a true and perfect list
of all such children to whom they may have given cer-
tificates as aforesaid to the commissioners of Somerset
county, specifying to what teacher each pupil was sent,
and at the same time they shall submit to the said
commissioners a statement shewing the aggregate a-
mount of money to winch such election district is en-
titled, and what portion thereof each teacher will be

entitled to receive as compensation for his services, and

Case of money not

being expended.

if at any time the whole amount of the said election
district's proportion of said school fund shall not be
expended, it shall remain and be for the use of said
district for the succeeding year, to be applied in like


Treasurer of or-

ginal act abolished.

Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the office of treasu-
rer, created by the original act to which this is a sup-

plement, be, and the same is hereby abolished, and the

Payment over di-


said treasurer is hereby required to pay over to said
commissioners any sum or sums of money now in his
hands to be deposited in the Bank of Salisbury as
aforesaid, subject to the order of the said commis-

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 407   View pdf image
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