Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, be and he is hereby authorized and
required to pay over to the order of the commission-
ers for Somerset county, all sums of money, which are
now, or may hereafter be apportioned to Somerset
county, out of the common, or free school fund, or
funds of the State, or which may he apportioned to
said county out of the. interest in the Stag's portion
of the surplus fund of the United States, or which
said county may be entitled to receive from the State
for common school purposes from any fund whatever.
CHAP. 394.
Payment over of
School funds to
county commis-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for
Somerset county, be, and they are hereby directed to
deposite in the Bank of Salisbury, within twenty days
after its reception, all sums of money which may, or
shall come into their possession from the Treasurer of
the Western Shore, in conformity to the provisions of
this act, and to draw on said bank in which said mo-
may be deposited for the same as is hereinafter
Who shall deposit
the same in bank.
And draft thereon.
Sec. 5.. And be it enacted, That the said school fund
shall be apportioned among the several election dis-
tricts in said county by the said commissioners, ac-
cording to their respective populations, assuming as a
basis on which to make such apportionment, the number
of votes cast in each district at the October election,
eighteen hundred and thirty-six.
Distribution to the
School districts.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the trustees of each
election district, or some one of them, shall grant a
certificate to each and every child within such district
as may come under the provisions of this act, and
whose parents, or those under whose care they may
be, shall make application to go to such school as may
be most convenient to the residence of such child, or
to such school as the parent or parents, or other per-
sons, under whose care they may be, shall select, wheth-
er the said school shall be within the said election [ ] or
Certificate to poor
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That each teacher or per-
son under whose care said school may be, shall return
the aforesaid certificate and an account, annually, to
the trustees of the election district in which said school
is situated, specifying on oath, or affirmation, the length
of time such child has gone to school, and said trus-
Which the teacher
shall return.
Annual account.