Swigart, William Shipley, jr. William Zepp, Jacob
Hartzhell, John M. Tingling. Jacob Grove, Samuel I.
Dell, Lawrence Zepp, David Burns, George Sheets,
George Ramby, William Grumbine, John Baurgett,
Nelson Manning, Jesse Manning, John A. Kelly,
Nimrod Beck, Jacob Jease, Henry Geatty, Nathaniel
H. Thayer, Benjamin F. Fowler, Mordecai Price,
David Heildebridler, Amos Lightner, Ephraim Crum-
backer, Joseph Shafer, John F. Reese, John K. Long-
well, James M. Shellman, and all others who may
have subscribed previous to the passage of this act, or
who hereafter shall subscribe to the amount of not less
than five dollars for the purpose of erecting the afore-
said building upon any part or parcel of land that may
be conveyed in trust for said purpose, shall be, and
they are hereby incorporated, as a body corporate,
and shall have perpetual succession by the name and
CHAP. 46.
style of the Westminster Academy, and by that name
and style may sue and be sued, and have a corporate
seal, which they may break, alter and change at plea-
sure; may hold property, personal, real or mixed, to
an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars in value,
and of the same dispose; may make by-laws not con-
trary to the laws of the United States or of this State,
and do all other acts necessary for the purposes herein
Name and style.
Property $5, 000.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said
corporation shall be conducted, and the powers thereof
exercised by nine trustees, who shall have power to
elect from their body a President, Treasurer, and
Secretary, the two last of whom shall report annually
to said trustees, or oftener, as the by-laws of said cor-
poration may direct: The aforesaid trustees of said
corporation shall be chosen annually by the subscribers
hereby incorporated, with such restriction and in such
manner and form as herein directed.
Nine trustees.
President, Secreta-
ry, &c.
Annual report.
Annual election.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the first election of
trustees under this act, shall take place on the first
Monday of March, in the present year of eighteen
hundred and thirty-nine, or within thirty days there-
after, to serve as such until the first Monday of March
eighteen hundred and forty, or until a new election, at
which time, or within thirty days thereafter, the se-
cond election shall take place, and so on, at the same
Time of election