CHAP. 46.
failed to comply with some of the requisitions of paid
act, except section ninth, which is hereby declared to
be null and void; provided they elect on the first Satur-
day in May next, and on the same day annually there-
after, the commissioners required by the aforesaid act
in section two.
Town limits.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of said town
shall be confined to the town lots on the several tracts
and parcels of land, known by the name and style of
New Market and German Town, and that the property
within said limits, except that which belongs to Zion's
Subject to taxation
Church and Manchester Academy, shall be subject to
such taxes and charges as may be deemed necessary
by said commissioners, or a majority of them, to sup-
port and maintain the expenses which may at any time
be incurred in the improvement of said town, for other
corporate purposes.
Passed Feb. 6,
An act incorporating Westminster Academy, in Carroll
WHEREAS, sundry citizens of Westminster and its
vicinity in Carroll county have subscribed certain
sums of money for the purpose of erecting a building
in said town, to be devoted to academical purposes;
and whereas, said citizens have petitioned to be char-
tered as a body corporate for the said purpose, and
also other purposes to he hereafter declared in the en-
suing act: — Therefore,
Persons incorporat-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Reese, Isaac Shriver, Jesse
Reifsnider, Nicholas Kelly, John McCollum, Joshua
Smith, jr. Jacob Pouder, jr. Hezekiah Crout, Francis
Shriver, John Baumgartner, Basil Hayden, John S.
Murray, Otho Shipley, John Fisher, Charles W.
Webster, William P. Maulsby, Abraham H. Busby,
George Shriver, Conrad Moul, James Keefer, Samuel
Orendorf, Michael Barnitz, Emanuel Gernand, Samu-
el Dexter Lecompte, William Shreev, Joshua Yingling,
William Yingling, Benjamin Yingling, Elias Ying-
ling, Levi Evans, David Reefer, John Fermwalt, John