period, in reference to which distribution is to be made,
such teachers being entitled to receive a draft in one
district for a portion of said time, shall not preclude
the same teacher from receiving a draft in another dis-
trict for another or different portion of said time.
CHAP. 40.
Their draft for ser-
Sec. 9. And be enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said Orphan's Court, to draw on the Treasurer of
the Western Shore twice in every year, to wit: in the
second week in January, and in the second week in
July, for all school moneys which may have accrued
Harford county; and if from any cause the said court
should not draw punctually at the times aforesaid, they
Semi annual draft
on W. S. Treasu-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said Orphan's
Court shall keep a book, in which they shall cause to
be registered, all the particulars of their transactions
with reference to the drawing, receiving, keeping and
paying away of any and all school moneys with which
the said court may be in any manner intrusted; and
that the said book shall be open to the inspection of
every citizen of the county without any charge there-
for; and that the school commissioners of each school
School record book
directed to be kept.
district shall likewise keep a book in which they shall
register from time, to time the several schools in their
district, the number of scholars at each school, the sex
and age of each scholar, the names of the several teach-
ers, the several sums appropriated and distributed to
to them respectively, and the dates and amounts of all
drafts, and to whom payable, made by the said school
commissioners, upon the Orphan's Court, the days of
attendance of each commissioner, and their proceedings
generally; which book shall be free for the inspection
Entries therein.
of every citizen, and no teacher shall be entitled to
receive, for services that may be performed after the
commissioners, until he or she shall have rendered a
length of time the said teacher has been engaged in
keeping school within the said county and district, and
at what school house or houses, and to how many pu-
month, and the names, sex and ages of said pupils.
Statement requir-
ed from teachers.