CHAP 40.
Distribution direct-
the same to the purpose for which it was received and
finally accounted therefor with the Orphan's Court of
said county, shall forthwith account therefor to the
court the balance thereof, if any, which shall be re-
maining in the hands of such person; and every such
balance shall, by the said court be appropriated to that
election district towards which it was originally de-
signed to be applied, and shall be subject to the drafts
of the school commissioners of such district; and in like
manner, every portion whatever of school funds re-
maining in the hands of, or under the control of said
orphan's Court, heretofore appropriated, or that was
designed so to be, towards any election district in said
county, hut which has not yet been distributed and ap-
plied in the said district according to law, shall be
subject to the drafts of the school commissioners of
Notice to be given
of amount to be
such district; and it is hereby made to be the duty of
the Judges of said Orphan's Court to give notice, with-
out delay, to the school commissioners of each district,
of the sums or amount of money, from time to time
held by the said court, subject to be drawn for by the said
school commissioners, and the said balances and ar-
rears as aforesaid, may be distributed by the said com-
missioners, by means of their drafts as aforesaid, with
reference to services performed by teachers, either
before or since the last day of July hereinbefore men-
tioned, or partly in each way, as to the said commis-
sioners may seem proper.
Case of vacancies
of S. Commission-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That in case of the death
or resignation of any school commissioner, or of his
refusal or neglect to perform his duty as such, or in
case of his removal out of the district for which he was
elected or chosen, the remaining school commissioners
for the same district, or a majority of them, shall
choose some other person, resident in such district, to
fill his place; and shall give notice to the Orphan's
Court of the choice so made.
Teacher defined.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That whenever the word
teacher occurs or is. meant, in this act or in the act to
which this is a supplement, it shall be understood and
considered as applicable to both male and female
teachers; and where a teacher shall have kept school in
more than one district during the time or within the