ed by subscription, and that the said company shall
have the right to purchase and hold land not exceeding
one thousand acres, in Talbot and Queen Ann's coun-
CHAP. 343.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be in
force from the passage thereof.
In force.
An act to Incorporate the Union Silk Company of Queen
Ann's County.
Passed April 3,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Doct. W. Finley, Andrew Johnson,
V. W. Devorix, Doct. J. F. Boon, James M. Lucas
and Lemuel Dunbracco, and such other persons as
may hereafter be associated with them, shall be, and
they are hereby incorporated, and made a body politic
and corporate, under the name and style of the Union
Silk Company, for the purpose of promoting the growth
and culture of the mulberry tree and the manufacture
of silk, And vending the same, and the prosecution of
all such other operations as may grow out of, or be
connected with said business, and the said corporation
Persons incorporat-
under the name and style of the Union Silk Company,
is hereby invested with all the rights and privileges
and powers confered upon such companies, by an act
entitled an act prescribing general regulations for the
incorporation. of manufacturing and mining compa-
nies, passed twenty-eighth day of March, eighteen
hundred and thirty-nine, and that said company is
made subject to the restrictions and regulations pre-
scribed in said act.
Name and style.
Objects defined.
Under the general
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall not be less than three thousand dol-
lars, nor more than fifty thousand dollars, to be divid-
ed into shares of twenty dollars each, to be raised by
subscription, and that the said company shall have the
right to purchase and hold lands, not exceeding five
hundred acres, in the said county of Queen Ann's.
Capital stock—
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be in
force from the passage thereof.
In force.