plement, shall be one dollar, instead of the sum of eight
dollars as provided by the fourth section as aforesaid.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the act
of Assembly, to which this is a further supplement, as
rendered unnecessary, he and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and all other laws of the State, which may be
repugnant to this law and inconsistent therewith shall
be and are hereby declared to be also repealed.
CHAP. 39
Repealing clause.
An act in authorize Charles W. Semmes, present Sheriff
of Charles County, to bond as Sheriff of said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Charles W. Semmes, the present
Sheriff of Charles county, be and he is hereby authori-
zed to bond as Sheriff of said county, at any time be-
fore the nineteenth day of February instant; Provided,
the said bond shall be approved and attested, according
to law; And provided, That in addition to the condition
of Sheriff's bond prescribed by the existing laws of this
State, the bond to be given in virtue of this act, shall
Passed Feb. 2,
May bond before
19th February.
contain the following condition, to wit: the further
condition of this obligation is such that the above ob-
ligation shall not be null and void, unless the above
bound Charles W. Semmes, shall in all respects well
and faithfully perform and execute all the duties pre-
scribed in the preceding condition of this obligation,
and by the existing laws of this State, in all cases of
process which may have come to his hands between the
expiration of his bond as Sheriff for last year, and the
date of this obligation, as fully and completely as if
this obligation bore date anterior to his reception of
such process or bis receipt of money under colour of
his office as Sheriff.
Condition and du-
ties prescribed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the clerk of Charles
county court, be and he is hereby authorized and re-
quired to receive and record the bond referred to in the
preceding section; Provided, the same be in all res-
pects in conformity with the provisions of the existing
Bond to be reciev-
ed and recorded.