CHAP. 38.
Proceedings made
for the purpose of establishing a Primary school at or
hear Ruthesburg as aforesaid.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That all the proceedings
heretofore had by a majority of the two districts, such
as electing of trustees, levying a tax for the purpose
of erecting a school house, and paying a teacher, and
such other necessary arrangements for organizing a
Primary school for the year eighteen hundred and thir-
ty nine, shall he as valid and lawful as if all such pro-
ceedings had taken place, alter the passage of this act,
all. laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Payment for Alms
House children.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of the school fund in Queen Anne's county, be and they
are hereby, authorized and directed to pay over to the
trustees of said united or double school district within
the limits of which is situated the almshouse of said
county, such sum of money in addition to the propor-
tion which the said united or double school district is
now entitled to receive, as may be necessary to edu-
cate the poor children of said alms house at the rate
of ten dollars per annum for every such child, that shall
receive the benefit of the school in said united or dou-
ble district.
Act of 1837, chap.
205, repealed.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That an act, entitled, an
act relating to poor children, in Queen Anne's county,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and
thirty seven, chapter two hundred and five, be and the
name is hereby repealed, and that all other laws in-
consistent with this act be and the same are hereby re-
Passed Feb. 2,
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act authori-
sing gates to be kept on the public roads in Queen
Anne's County, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty four, chapter one hundred and
sixty seven.
Levy of 81 instead
of 88.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the tax provided to be levied by the