CHAP. 294.
An act to divorce Marsilina Clarke from her husband
Baly L. Clarke.
Passed Mar. 14,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Marsilina Clarke be, and she is hereby declared
to be divorced from her husband Baly L. Clark, a vin-
culo matrimonii.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to establish
Magistrates' Courts in the several counties of this
State, and to prescribe their jurisdiction, passed De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
chapter two hundred and one.
Passed Mar. 8,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the district justices of the district courts in the several
election districts in Worcester county, shall be entitled
to their fees according to the provisions of the act. to
which this is a supplement, instead of their per diem
allowance, and they shall not he entitled to any per
diem allowance whatever.
Compensation to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the twenty-fourth
section of the act to which this is a supplement he, and
the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same relates
to Worcester county, except so much of the second
section, providing that the chief justices shall furnish
to the levy court, or commissioners of the tax of the
several counties of this State, before the first day of
June in each year, a full and fair statement of the
amount of fees by the said district justices respectively
24th section repeal-
As to Worcester co.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That instead of the fees to
be charged by the said district justices, in all cases
where the demand in controversy exceeds the sum of
fifty dollars by the sixteenth section of the said origi-
nal act, they shall respectively charge, have and be
entitled to receive the following fees, to wit: for writ-
Rate of fees.