Western Shore of Maryland, on the first day of.
January next, succeeding the period or periods
when such increase shall have been made; and
CHAP 290.
provided further, that the said company shall from
time to time, upon the call of the Treasurer of
the Western Shore, furnish to him under the affidavit
of the president of said company, a statement of the
amount of the increased capital of said company, at
the day to which said call may refer.
And furnish state-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this supplement shall
have no effect unless it be accepted by stockholders
owning a majority of the stock, at a general meeting
called for that purpose, upon thirty days public notice
Acceptance requi-
An act to authorise Thomas Jones, of Charles County,
Maryland, to sell and convey certain land, in Alle-
gany County.
Passed Mar. 8,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Thomas Jones, of Charles county, Maryland, be,
and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to sell
and convey in fee simple, a tract of land lying in Al-
legany county, Maryland, which said land was patent-
ed to Mary Ellen Jones and Edward Jones, infant
children of Silias M. Jones, in virtue of an act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter one
Authority to con-
hundred and seventeen; provided however, that said
Thomas Jones, before he shall proceed to sell said
land, shall first file with the orphans' court of Charles
county, a bond to be approved of by said court, and
conditioned for the faithful performance of his trust;
that he report said sale to said court, and that the pro-
ceeds of said sale shall be applied for the benefit of said
infant children, under the order and direction of said
court, and that this act shall take effect from after the
passage thereof.
Approval required.