A further Supplement to an act entitled, an act to incor-
porate a Bank to be called by the name of the Bank of
That the time limited by the second section of the act
of Assembly passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and thirty six, chapter one hundred and fifty
nine, for the augmentation of the capital stock of the
Bank of Salisbury, be and the same is hereby extend-
ed to the ninth day of March, eighteen hundred and
forty one.
CHAP 35.
Passed Feb. 1,
An act to amend an act to prevent the destruction of
Oysters, in the waters of this State, passed De-
cember session eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
chapter three hundred and ten, so far us the same re-
lates to Caroline County.
Passed Feb. 1,
WHEREAS, It has been found by experience that the
law passed at the last session of the Legislature to
protect Oysters in the waters of this State, is unequal
and oppressive to the citizens of Caroline county, for
it has been conceded in all past time that the naviga-
ble waters of a State are free to all her citizens; and
whereas, by the act to which this is a supplement, any
vessel or vessels bound to, or from Baltimore, or else-
where, out of the great Choptank river, whose own-
ers reside in Caroline county, and whose hands shall
be found catching oysters within five hundred yards of
the shores of either Talbot or Dorchester counties, any
such vessel or vessels and cargoes shall be forfeited,
&c; — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the citizens of Caroline county shall have, enjoy
and possess the same rights and privileges to take or
catch oysters in the great Choptank and Nanticoke
rivers and their tributary creeks, waters or streams,
for the consumption of the citizens of said county, and
Privilege extended
to citizens of Ca-
roline county.