CHAP. 36.
not for exportation out of this State, as the citizens of
the adjoining counties of Talbot and Dorchester have,
anything in the act to which this is an additional sup-
plement to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb. 1,
An act for the relief of William F. Murdoch, Alexander
Murdoch and Thomas Murdoch.
WHEREAS, Alexander Fridge a naturalized citizen
of the United States, and for many years a resident of
the city of Baltimore, hath lately died intestate and
without issue, being seized at the time of his death of
real estate; lying in said city and elsewhere in Mary-
land, and the said real estate by reason of the alienage
of the person who would have been his heir, having be-
come escheat, William F. Murdoch, Alexander Mur-
dock and Thomas Murdoch, his nephews, and natu-
ralized citizens resident in Maryland have obtained
escheat warrants from the land office to cover the same,
and by their Petition to this General Assembly setting
forth the above facts, have prayed to be released from
the composition monies payable on said warrants,
which under the like circumstances it hath been the
usage of the State to grant.
Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the right and title which the State
of Maryland, hath now by escheat in and to the said
real estate of which Alexander Fridge, late of the City
of Baltimore, died, seized, be and the same is hereby
relinquished and released, surrendered and confirmed
unto William F. Murdoch, Alexander Murdoch, and
Thomas Murdoch, of said city, as tenants in common,
Patent to issue.
and that the register of the land office for the Western
Shore, do according to the usual forms, pass the State's
patent for the same under the great seal of the State to
the said William F. Murdoch, Alexander Murdoch
and Thomas Murdoch, as tenants in common, without
the exaction of the composition monies due by law up-
on the purchase of escheat warrants, the said parties
nevertheless paying to him and the other officers in
the land office their customary and legal fees.