CHAP 33.
Index of adminis-
recorded in said office, to which wills there is now no
good and sufficient index.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Register of
Wills for said county, be authorized and required to
obtain a sufficient number of well bound books, and
cause an accurate and full index or key to all admin-
istrations recorded in said office from the year eighteen
hundred and twenty three inclusive to the year eigh-
teen hundred and twenty nine inclusive.
Levy for expenses
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Levy Court of
said county, be required to levy on the assessable pro-
perty of said county, such sum of money, as shall be
sufficient to pay the cost of the necessary books and
such compensation for the duties herein required as is
now allowed by law for similar services, and that the
said sum of money be collected as other county charges
are collected, and the same to be paid over to the Re-
gister of Wills for said county, when the duties here-
Limit $300.
Court to direct, &c.
in required shall have been performed, Provided never-
theless, that the entire cost shall not exceed the sum of
three hundred dollars; And provided also, That before
the Register of Wills of Dorchester county shall pro-
the duty of the Judges of the Orphan's court of said
county (or a majority of them) to ascertain and deter-
ted is necessary and requisite for the public interest,
and if they shall so determine, it shall be the duty of
the Register of Wills, under the direction of said court,
with all convenient despatch to carry into effect the
provisions of this act.
Passed Jan. 30,
Authority granted
to fix place.
An act to change the place of holding the election in the
Eleventh Election district of Baltimore County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Baltimore county, are here-
by authorized and directed to establish the place of
holding the election for the eleventh election District
of Baltimore county, at the most convenient and suit-
able place, any law to the contrary notwithstanding