CHAP. 278
Passed Mar. 28,
An act for the benefit of John Kelly.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition of John Kelly,
of Prince George's county, that he has not the neces-
sary residence to enable him to obtain the benefit of
the insolvent laws of this State, according to the ex-
isting law; and, whereas, the said John Kelly, has of-
fered to comply with all the other provisions of said
laws: — Therefore,
Insolvent laws ex-
tended to.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Kelly, of Prince George's county, be, and
he is hereby authorised to apply for the benefit of the
insolvent laws of this State, by petition in writing,
addressed to the judges of Prince George's county
court, and the said court is hereby authorised to extend
to him the benefit of said laws, in the same manner as
if he had the residence required by said laws; provi-
ded, the said John Kelly, shall in all other respects
comply with the provisions of said laws.
Passed Mar. 28,
A supplement to an act to establish Magistrates' Courts,
in the several counties of this Slate, and to prescribe
their jurisdiction, so far as the same relates to Mont-
gomery county.
Court in Medley's
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, the
justices of the Magistrates' Court, in and for Med-
ley's, or the third district of Montgomery county, or
a majority of them, shall hold their monthly court,
for the said district, at least once in every month, at
Poolesville, and Barnesville, alternately.