sequence of the reduction of assessable property of
Frederick, by the creation of Carroll county.
CHAP. 271.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of the tax for Carroll county, shall, in addition to the
sum mentioned in the aforegoing section, for the pre-
sent year and annually hereafter, levy the like sum of
money, and pay over the same to the treasurer afore-
said, for the purpose aforesaid, as the proportion pro-
perly chargeable for so much of Frederick county as is
now part of Carroll county.
Like sum annually.
An act for the relief of Ann Maria Fisher, of Freder-
ick County.
Passed Mar. 29,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Levy Court of Frederick county, be, and
they are hereby authorized, in their discretion. annual-
ly to levy a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars,
for the use of Ann Maria Fisher, of Frederick county,
widow of Philip Fisher.
Levy $30 annually.
An act to make valid the official acts of Wilson W. Kolb,
as a Justice of the Peace for Frederick County.
Passed Mar. 28,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all and every official act, made and done by Wil-
son W. Kolb, as a justice of the peace for Frederick
county, from the first day of January eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, up to the time that his commission as
justice of the peace was revoked, shall in no manner
be affected by reason of the informality of the commis-
sion, but that all the official acts and proceedings
aforesaid, shall be as valid and effectual to all intents
and purposes, as if the said Wilson W. Kolb, had been
lawfully commissioned.
Acts confirmed.