CHAP. 273.
Passed Mar. 28,
A supplement to an act passed at the present session of
Assembly, to provide for the election of Commission-
ers of Somerset County, and to enlarge their powers
and duties.
Section repealed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the eleventh section of the act to which this is a
supplement, be, and the same is hereby repealed,
Passed Mar. 28,
A supplement to an act, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, chapter twenty-
one, entitled an act to abolish the Levy Court of Anne
Arundel County, and for other purposes.
Election Oct. 1839.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the persons qualified to vote for Dele-
gates to the General Assembly in Anne Arundel
county and the city of Annapolis, at the time and
places of election in said county and city of Annapo-
lis, on the first Wednesday in October next, shall
Seven commission-
One from each dis-
vote by ballot for seven persons, (one from each elec-
tion district in said county, and one from the city of
Annapolis) having the same qualifications, as are re-
quired for delegates to the General Assembly of Mary-
land, to be commissioners for Anne Arundel county;
Election returns.
and the judges of election in said county, for each dis-
trict and the city of Annapolis, shall make a return in
form and manner, similar to their certificates and re-
turn of other elections, the number of votes given for
commissioners as aforesaid; and the return judges for
said county and city, shall ascertain the. whole num-
ber of votes given for each person voted for as com-
missioner; and the said judges shall by a certificate
to be filed with the clerk of Anne Arundel county
court, and by him recorded, certify in a form similar
to the certificate of the election of Delegates, that the
seven persons voted for as commissioners, who shall
have received the highest number of votes, are duly
elected commissioners for Anne Arundel county; and