Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an election be held in the Boonsborough or sixth
election district of Washington county, on the first
Monday of March next, and that in the conducting of
the said election and making the return thereof, the
judges of election shall conform in all respects to the
existing laws in relation to the elections, and that the
CHAP. 32.
Election directed.
Sheriff of said county shall give the usual notice of
said election, and that in all cases hereafter, where
there shall he a tie, between two or more candidates
for the office of county commissioner in said county,
the Sheriff of said county as soon as such tie is ascer-
tained to exist, shall issue his proclamation command-
ing a new election in such district, giving the usual no-
tice required by law, which election shall be held in
all respects according to the pro visions of the election
laws of this State.
Notice thereof.
In case of tie here-
Election directed.
An act to change the name of Thomas Hell, of Caleb, to
Thomas Broome Hebb, of St. Mary's County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of Thomas Hebb of Caleb, of St.
Mary's county, be and the same is hereby changed to
Thomas Broome Hebb, and that he shall be at all
times, and in all respects entitled to use the name of
Thomas Broome Hebb, as if the same had been given
Passed Jan. 30,
Name changed
An act relating to the records in the Register of Wills'
Office for Dorchester County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Register of Wills for Dorchester
county be authorized and required to procure a suffici-
ent number of well bound books and therein accurate-
ly to make an Index, easy of reference, to all the Wills
Passed Jan. 31,
Index of wills.