posed of Woodsboro', Creagerstown and Emmittsburg
districts, which shall elect three justices of the levy
CHAP. 261.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the voters in each
levy court district in said county, who shall he quali-
fied to vote for delegates to the General Assembly, and
shall have resided six months in said levy court dis-
trict, in which they shall offer to vote, shall be entitled
to vote lor as many persons in. said district, as justices
of the levy court for said county, as hereinbefore as-
Qualification of
signed for such district, and the persons who shall
receive the largest number of legal votes given in their
levy court district, according to the assessment afore-
said, of justices of said court for the district aforesaid,
shall be declared duly elected justices of the levy court
of Frederick county, for said levy court district.
Persons elected.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That an election for jus-
tices of the levy court of Frederick county, shall be
held in the several levy court districts of said county,
on the first Wednesday of October, eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, and annually thereafter, at the usual
places, in the same manner, according to the general
election laws, and by the same judges who may hold
elections for delegates to the General Assembly, and
Election Oct. 1839.
the said judges holding said elections, shall, within
three days after said election, make returns as usual
in other elections, to the clerk of Frederick county
Election returns.
court, to be by him recorded in his office, and a certi-
fied copy thereof, shall be furnished to the justices of
said court, at the first meeting which a majority of
them may attend, on or after the first Monday of No-
vember next, after said election.
Copy furnished.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That, in the case of a va-
cancy by the death, resignation, refusal to act, remo-
said elections a new election shall be held in the pro-
per levy court district, to supply the vacancy; the
election judges, or any of them, in said district, first
giving ten days notice, of such new election, in one or
up at public places in said district; and said elections
shall be held and regulated, as the first election is di-
rected to be by this act.
Case of vacancy.