CHAP. 265
Powers, privileges
and duties.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the justices of the
levy court of said county, hereafter elected in virtue
of this act, shall have all the powers, rights and au-
thority, he subject to the same qualifications, perform
all the duties, and make all the appointments that the
justices of the levy court of said county, have hereto-
fore had and exercised, and which they would have if
appointed and commissioned by the Governor, by and
with the consent and advice of the senate, under the
laws in being before and at the time of the passage of
this act.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of
acts of Assembly, so far as they re inconsistent with
this act, be and they are hereby repealed.
Passed Mar. 28,
An act to authorize a subscription to the Chesapeake
Steam Towing Company.
$25, 000.
SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore,
be, and he is hereby authorized to subscribe on behalf
of the State, the amount of twenty-five thousand dol-
lars to the capital stock of the Chesapeake Steam
Towing Company; provided, that in payment for the
same, he shall apply so much as may be necessary
Payment thereof
from auction du-
therefor from the receipts of auction duties, after the
extinguishment of the present charge thereon, imposed
by the act of December session eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, chapter one hundred and eighty-four.
Invested in the
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said sum of
money shall be invested by the said treasurer, in stock
in the said company, in the name of the State of Mary-
land, and in consideration of the said subscription, the
Right to appoint
three directors.
said State retains the right of appointing three directors
in the said Chesapeake Steam Towing Company,
pany, in all matters and things connected with the
proceedings of said company, in proportion to the
stock held by the said State in said company, and
which directors, on notice being given by the said Trea-
surer to the Governor, of said subscription being made