he is hereby authorised to remove into this State,
two negroes, slaves for life, named Eleanor Turner
and Eleanor Jane Turner, the property of the said
Addison B. Reily; provided, that the said Addison B.
Reily, within sixty days shall file with the clerk of
Baltimore county, a description of the said slaves, and
names and description of said slaves are truly given,
and that they are not removed for the purpose of sale;
and provided also, that the said Addison B. Reily,
shall pay over to the order of Baltimore county court,
thirty dollars for the use of the Colonization Society
of this State, as required by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-three, chapter eighty-seven.
CHAP. 28.
An act to authorize Charles R. Gwynn, of the City of
Baltimore, to bring to this State, a negro woman
named Sally, a slave for life.
Passed Jan. 28,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Charles R. Gwynn, of the City of Baltimore, be
and he is hereby authorized to bring into this State, a
negro woman, named Sally, a slave for life; Provided,
That the said Charles R. Gwynn, shall within sixty
days after the removal of said slave into this State,
file with the Clerk of Baltimore county court, a cer-
tificate containing the name, age, and distinguishing
marks of said slave, accompanied by the affidavit of
said Charles R. Gwynn, that the certificate truly de-
scribes said slave; And provided, also, That the said
Charles R. Gwynn, shall within the time aforesaid,
pay to the Clerk of Baltimore county, fifteen dollars
for the use of the Colonization Society of this State.
Permission grant-