trict, for the purpose of providing fuel, and for paying
the residue of compensation to their teacher, beyond
the reach of the school fund of the county, for his year-
ly or half yearly services, as the trustees, or a majori-
ty of them, may deem most advisable to make engage-
ment; which tax to be levied upon the taxable proper-
ty of said school district, predicated upon the data of
the next approaching county assessment, to be collect-
ed in the. usual way of collecting the county tax, by the
agency of a constable in said school district, who. shall
be known as collector of school tax, and shall receive
as compensation for said service, a commission equal
to that received by the county collector, for collecting
the county tax.
CHAP. 204.
To be collected by
the constable.
His compensation.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the trustees of school, or a majority of them, to fur-
nish to the collector of school tax, a list of the names
annexed, to their respective names, and it shall be the
duty of the said collector of school tax, to collect and
pay over monthly, to the treasurer of said school dis-
trict, all monies so collected, and shall complete his
collection and returns, within the space of three
months from the time of receiving said list.
Levy list.
Collection and pay-
ment over.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That any two of the trus-
tees of school, or a majority of them, shall be competent
to engage and employ a teacher, for a term not less
than six months, nor more than one year, provided
the said applicant as teacher, shall first have, under-
gone an examination by and received the written ap-
proval of a majority of the trustees of school; and pro-
vided also, that the pro rata allowance of three hundred
dollars per annum, be the extent of salary given, ex-
cept in the town of Cumberland, in which place the
amount of salary is hereby left unlimited.
Employment of
Compensation lim-
ited $300.
Except in Cum-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That a majority of the
trustees of school, shall have power to call a meeting
of the board, by giving notice thereof to each member
of the board, at least one day prior to such meeting,
whenever the public good would seem to require it.
Meetings of Trus-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said board of
trustees of school, shall hold four regular meetings in
each year, at the school house in their district, in the
months of January, April, July and October.
Four meetings an-