CHAP. 204
Special meetings.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to debar the trustees of
school, from holding special meeting of their body at
pleasure, for the purpose of regulating all matters of
order in the school, and all matters of concern between
the teacher and the school.
Secretary—his du-
Sec. 11. And, be it enacted, That the trustees afore-
said, shall elect one of their number secretary, whose
duty it shall be to attend all meeting of the trustees,
and shall record all proceedings, had at all meetings
thereof, and shall keep an account, and make a state-
ment to the county commissioners, at the end of his term
of service, of the affairs of the school, including a list
of the scholars taught, the time of their tuition, as also
all other public interesting matters, as may be direct-
ed by the trustees of school.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That a majority of the
board of trustees of school being present, shall consti-
tute a quorum, to transact all ordinary business.
No tax levied till
after next October
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That no school tax shall
be levied in virtue of this act, until after the next Oc-
tober election, at which time, it shall be the duty of the
judges of election, in the several election districts of
Allegany county, to propound to the voters as they
Votes then to be ta-
ken for or against
deposit their ballots, the question for, or against the
school law, and their proper answers to have entered
on the list of voters, by the annexation of the letter S.
(as for school) or N. S. (as for no school) as the case
may be; and in any and every election district where
it shall appear that more voters have declared in favor
than have determined against said school law, the same
shall be considered as a law, to all intents and pur-
poses, and its provisions shall in said districts, so de-
This law enforced
or not, accordingly.
ciding, be forthwith carried into effect to their full ex-
tent; and the same shall not be enforced in districts
where the decision through, the ballot box shall be the
Publication direct-
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the commissioners of Allegany county, immediate-
ly after being apprised of the passage of this act, to
cause the same to be published in the several newspa-
pers of the county for four successive weeks, the cost
whereof to be paid by the county.