CHAP. 204.
Term of office.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That the trustees so ap-
pointed, shall serve for one year from the date of their
appointment, and until successors shall be appointed;
Case of vacancy.
and in case any of said trustees shall die, resign. re-
fuse, or neglect, to serve, or shall remove from the dis-
trict for which he or they may be appointed, the trus-
tees acting under this act may fill such vacancy or va-
cancies, until the next annual term of appointment by
the commissioners aforesaid.
One Trustee as
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid com-
missioners, shall name one of the said trustees in each
district, as treasurer for his district, who shall be ful-
ly authorized to receive from the treasurer of the
school fund for Allegany county, such sum or sums of
money, as may be apportioned to his, or their districts,
to he distributed by the trustees of the school, for the
benefit of the school as they may direct.
Oath of Treasurer.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That before the said trea-
surers of schools shall receive for their disbursement,
any portion of said funds, they shall each take an oath,
or make affirmation, before a justice of the peace for
said county, that he will well and truly discharge the
duties pertaining to his said office of treasurer, with-
out prejudice, or partiality, promptly without delay, and
freely without denial; and it shall be the further duty
of each of said treasurers to furnish at the expiration
of their term of service to the county commissioners, a
correct statement, on oath, of all monied transactions,
in their said office of treasurer.
Clerk to notify of
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That as soon after the
trustees of school, are notified of their appointment,
by the clerk of the commissioners aforesaid (whose du-
Notice of meeting
to fix scite.
ty it shall be to give such notice, ) they shall give ten
days public, notice to the inhabitants of their district,
their notice, to choose and fix upon a scite for a school
May change the
house, if there be none in their district, and they shall
be authorized and empowered to change the same at
any regular meeting thereafter, if called for by the
public convenience, and shall determine on the means
Erect new school
and mode to be adopted, in erecting a school house in
districts where no school house exists; and shall also
Fix amount of tax
to be levied.
at a proper time fix upon a sum of money, necessary to
be raised upon the taxable property of said school dis-