of Almighty God, that you will honestly and faithfully
inquire into all tilings touching the interest of the citi-
zens of Baltimore county, and that you will act in all
cases connected with your duty according to law, with-
out favor, partiality, or prejudice, to the best of your
skill and ability, so help you God, which oath shall be
made a part of the proceedings of said board and re-
forded by the clerk of said hoard.
CHAP. 201.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said commissioners to appoint a suitable and com-
petent person, who shall act as clerk and treasurer.
Clerk and Treasur-
er to be appoint-
whose duty it shall be to make out and keep a true and
correct record of the proceedings of the commissioners
at their stated meetings, from time to time, shewing
fully the number of days each member of said board
necessarily attended on the business of the board.
His duties.
Sec. 3. And, be it enacted, That the said clerk, so
chosen, shall act as Treasurer of Baltimore County,
and in every respect be clothed with the same powers
and duties that the treasurer now is, and before he en-
ters on said duties, he shall enter into a sufficient bond
and security to bo approved by said board, and for his
Clerk to act as
ers may deem reasonable and right, not exceeding at
all perquisites, except for transcripts called for, and
allowed by law, and it shall be the duty of said clerk
to keep open his office from nine o'clock, A. M. to
three o'clock. V. M. or longer if necessary, for the
transaction of business each day.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That for the better regu-
lation of the taxes of said county, it shall be the duty
of the commissioners of said county, that as soon as
they shall have made their levy, they shall make out
the amount required to be collected in each election
district, and give at least twenty days notice, in two
set up at each of the places of holding the election in
Levy apportioned
to each election
said county, and invite proposals for collecting the.
same, which proposals shall be accompanied by the
security they propose to give, and such sealed propo-
sals shall not be opened until the day of letting the
Issue proposals for