SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the powers of the
Commissioners herein named and the course of pro-
ceeding shall be the same as if they were, appointed on
petition, by the county court of Caroline, county, to di-
vide under the laws of the State of Maryland, the said
named lands, and as if the whole of the said lands were
conferred within the limits of said county.
CHAP. 19
Their powers, &c.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the county court of
Caroline county, shall have all authority over the pro-
ceedings and shall determine upon them in the same
manner as if the said commissioners were appointed by
them to carry out the object specified in the preamble
to this law, and as if the whole of the lands herein
Caroline county
court empowered.
county, and all the proceedings had in pursuance of
this act and such concurrent act as shall be passed by
the Legislature of the State of Delaware, shall be as
valid, effective, and conclusive upon the parties con-
cerned as if the said lands were situate wholly in Car-
oline county aforesaid, and the said proceedings had
been had in pursuance of the existing laws of this
State and shall remain firm and stable, any law, usage
or custom, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding,
Delaware acts
made valid.
and that the compensation and fees of parties employ-
ed shall be the same as would be allowed to them if all
the said lands were located within the limits of said
Compensation and
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
or a majority of them appointed on the part of this
State, by this act shall make a correct return of their
proceedings, to Caroline county court, to be recorded
as usual in such cases, provided nevertheless, and it is
hereby expressly declared and enacted, that this act
shall not take effect, or be of any force until the State
of Delaware shall have passed an act concurring and
agreeing herein.
Return and record
of proceedings.