of the lands aforesaid, in right of her dower; provided
nevertheless, The said Widow shall convey by good
and sufficient Deed, her right of Dower to said Lands,
to the purchaser, or purchasers, his, her, or their heirs
or assigns.
CHAP. 18.
An act to authorize the Clerk of Allegany County to re-
cord a Seed of Mortgage from Edward Johnson and
John A. Fulmer to George Humberston.
Passed Jan 21,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Cleric of Allegany County, be and he is here-
by authorized to receive and record a deed of mort-
gage, executed by Edward Johnson and John A. Ful-
mer to George Humberston, and that the same shall be
as good and valid as between the grantor and grantee,
or their heirs or devisees respectively, as if the same
had been recorded within the time prescribed by law.
Deed recorded.
An act for the relief of John Glenn, of Baltimore.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Glenn, be and he is hereby authorised to
introduce into this State and hold as a slave, negro
Alexander Johnson; provided, the said John Glenn,
within sixty days, from the passage of this law, shall
file with the Clerk of Baltimore county, a description
of such slave, stating his age, with an affidavit thereto
annexed, stating that the same is a true and faithful
description of such negro, and that he is not removed
into this State for the purpose of sale, and that he is a
Passed Jan. 21,
May bring in a
slave for life; and provided also, the said John Glenn
shall pay over to the Clerk of Baltimore county court,
fifteen dollars, for the use of the Colonization Society
of the State, as required by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty three, chapter eighty-seven.
Conditions prescri-